Jan and John Maggs Antiques

February 2018: Workshop, galleries, and office


Since our trip to Europe last month, Jam and I have been working on the basement of the new barn, where our workshop, storage area, and photo studio will be located.

We finished boarding most of the walls early last month, and have been building work and storage furnishings.

This is the sixteen-foot work bench on the south wall.


A large assembly and work table, some power tools, and a wide, open space dominate half of the workshop.


Clamp and small tool storage


Jan's workbench




The other half of the basement contains our warehouse, now strained to capacity, pending the completion of the showrooms upstairs



More storage area views


While we've been working downstairs, Jim, Mike, and Steve have been working upstairs on the first floor.


They've plastered just about everything. Here's our office, ready for paint, shelving, and floor.


The doors from the office to the entry hall


French doors connecting office and showrooms


Our future accessible restroom



The Long gallery, boarded and plastered


Looking from the Long Gallery to the main showrooms


Showroom track lighting illuminates the galleries.


Entrances to the Long Gallery and the office


Flooring, stacked in the showroom and ready to be laid


View from the front showrooms through the entry and into the office


In the main gallery


This week we expect the stairway to be built.


Click HERE for an index of this series.