Jan and John Maggs Antiques

Our Ashfield Odyssey

Part 1: Discovering the Land -- April 2004 to January 2005 -- p. 5

January 4, 2005

The building site was reached by climbing up the old logging trail, an ascent of over 100 feet in less than a quarter mile -- a difficult trek empty-handed, and an exhausting climb when carrying chain saws and other tools.

Our four-wheel drive vehicles could make the climb -- in fair weather -- but winter was upon us, and we needed to clear an alternate route with a gentler slope. As soon as the upper work site was established, we began to clear for the driveway.


January 20, 2005

Although Winter was now here . . . .

burning season had begun on January 15th, and we worked daily to eliminate the clutter of tree limbs and tops.

